Saturday, October 30, 2010

I'm back at this wonderful blog after a hiatus of a couple of years. I'm glad it's still here. I started this blog as a way for my listeners to catch episodes of my internet radio show called Enchanting the Divine Feminine. I did it for about 8 months and felt complete with it and the things I had learned from it. I'll talk more about it a later post.
As for now, this will be a place for me to share more about myself: my musings and my activities. I feel like I've been in hiding for the last 3 years, and this is my re-emergence. That was a thorough Dark Night of the Soul. I'm glad to be back and grateful to Spirit, my friends, helpful books and healings that helped me through it. I'm grateful for being able to sleep at night and being back as a part of my community. I'm grateful for the sun coming up every morning. And I'm grateful for the beauty of whoever you are that's reading this.
It's time for me to go get dressed for All Hallow's Eve, so I'll finish for now. I thought it fitting to have a picture of some of the cast of the Vagina Monologues, in which I acted this April (2010) and some of the V-Men, for tonight, a night of acting ! I'll be the one in the skeleton face paint, red-haired wig with horns and the cheeky sense of humor. Much love, jacki

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